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Referee’s Information

The Poachers
The poachers are working for Xenotech Corp. They are looking for specimens of fauna & flora that can be used in pharmaceuticals. To this end they will be looking for predators and prey animals that utilise chemical poisons and antidotes. They will also be looking in plants that show as having special compounds in them.
They have been in the field for about 2 months at the start of the adventure, having come overland from the Southern continent.
At the point where the PCs discover the first campsite they are 3 weeks ahead of them. At the second they are still about that. By Alganacha the players are only 1½ weeks behind them. They catch up with them by moving more directly and by moving faster than them.
The reason behind their lack of signing in and all the other clandestine stuff is that they have no permits and don’t want to be found. This is also the reason they want the PCs to forget about them. All their claims are flagrant lies they’re there because there’s money for them in it. If the PCs don’t agree to their terms they will have to kill them because they are in deep shit if they get found out.

Antoniu Beru (leader) 888976(8) age: 38
Rifleman- 2, Pistol- 2, Small blade- 2, Biology- 3 Survival -1, J-o-T- 2.

Others (x5) 999895(8) age: 27-35
Rifleman- 2, Pistol- 1, Large Blade- 1, Small Blade- 2, Survival- 2, Tactics- 1.

All poachers have an advanced combat rifle, auto snub pistol, Backpack containing high TL survival stuff and a continental range comm. (I think)

Hunting Hounds™
weight: 20kg Hits: 10/7
Damage As Claws, As Body Pistol.

The Pirates
The pirates are somewhat comedy villains play them as small black men trying to be hard and swashbuckling at the same time

Pirate 877663(6) Pistol- 1, Rifleman- 1, SMG- 1, Small Blade- 1, Melee- 1, Stealth- 1.

The Shansboran
The Shansboran is a combustible powered boat requiring no maintainance over short trips and little skill to handle. There are two rooms in a small cabin at the rear of the vessel: the wheelhouse and the galley. There is also an enclosure off the rear of the vessel for use as a latrine (it has a hole in the bottom). The rest of the deck is open and this is where the crew is expected to sleep during trips (there is a tarpaulin for use in wet or windy weather. Below deck is the engine (to which there is only a small entrance hatch for refuelling) and a hold which is accessed by a large trapdoor in the deck. There is a special mount for a heavy machinegun (which is in the hold) for times of danger. It takes 2+D3 rounds to get that sorted.

Heavy Machinegun -6belt1006/33V long2HiMed.Rifle

The Ancestors
When I actually ran this scenario, the players insisted on summoning their ancestors when in Alganacha. This completely threw me, and I had to make it up on the fly. Whilst I’m not going to prepare anything for this re write I am going to warn you that it might happen. I used it as an opportunity to add a little more atmosphere to the game as I took each of them out in turn to talk to their ancestors. It was also an opportunity to set any misconceptions right and get across information they’d missed earlier. Above all it was fun and something extra to add to the game.

Final Note
What’s here is a scenario that I wrote, there may well be things that are wrong, inconsistent or just not to your taste. Feel free to change/add/remove things at will.
There are also parts that are designed to be spun out or ignored depending on how fast they’re going/how coherent you feel.

Have fun

Andrew "Shan"

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